If you modeling 3D scenes in 3ds Max and want to import it in game engine such as Three.js, Unity and Unreal Engine, we can export it using the Alin glTF Exporter for 3ds Max. Here is the steps of how to export glTF files from 3 …
2023-05-03 1 comment
When you use 3ds Max to create models with animations, and you need a rapid workflow to load them in WebGL with Three.js, I recommend the following steps: 1. Export Models from 3ds Max By using the JD Exporter you would be able …
ver 1.1 Example of the Json 3D Format {   "animation":   {     "keyframeAnimations":     [       {         "name": "Anims_1",         "timeline": "seconds",         "fps": 30,         "animNodes":         [         …
2016-04-10 Comments
Skinned Mesh or SubMesh Format of the Json 3D Format    ver 1.1 Example: {       "model":   {     "version": "1.0",          "meshes":     [       {                    "name": "subMesh1",                  "type": "tria …
2016-03-21 Comments