If you modeling 3D scenes in 3ds Max and want to import it in game engine such as Three.js, Unity and Unreal Engine, we can export it using the Alin glTF Exporter for 3ds Max. Here is the steps of how to export glTF files from 3 …
2023-05-03 1 comment
When skinning with CAT bones, export it to FBX, and reimport to 3ds Max, the animation appears to be broken. The reason for this bug is a new feature TMCache in 3ds Max 2017 is in conflict with CAT rig controllers.   This b …
2016-08-16 2 comments
When you use 3ds Max to create models with animations, and you need a rapid workflow to load them in WebGL with Three.js, I recommend the following steps: 1. Export Models from 3ds Max By using the JD Exporter you would be able …
Hierarchy 的变化 在早期的版本 3ds Max 7 使用的CAT 2.x版本中是把这两个操作分成一组 [ Manipulation Locks ] Stretchy Bone Effect Hierarchy 而在高版本比如3ds Max 2013 中是将 Manipulation Causes Stretching 分配到 Setup Mode 和 Animat …
2013-04-05 Comments
New features: Vector map support – Get new support for vector maps. Augmented particle flow system – Create better physical simulations in less time. Improved viewport performance – Get better interactive and …
经过漫长的等待, AXE for max 2013 的版本终于完成了, 本次更新主要是: 支持X64版本. 支持导出 specular power 调整了算法以解决Unicode问题,以及适应纹理文件目录包含中日韩文字的情形
免费版下载 主要功能 支持多纹理坐标、DirectX Shader材质、Multi-SubObject材质、二足和多足动画、三角形和Patch面片动画转换、Skin和Physique修改器、Biped和CAT、Tangent和Binormal及法线贴图shader的自动生成、UV平铺与镜像等等.  Free版本支 …