If you modeling 3D scenes in 3ds Max and want to import it in game engine such as Three.js, Unity and Unreal Engine, we can export it using the Alin glTF Exporter for 3ds Max. Here is the steps of how to export glTF files from 3 …
2023-05-03 1 comment
In X format this template within a mesh defines the vertices and weights influence of a particular bone. template SkinWeights { STRING transformNodeName; // Bone name DWORD nWeights; …
Pre-Order Traversal Because the characteristic of preorder traversal is to access the root node first, and then access the left and right subtrees, so the root node must be pushed into the stack first, then the root node of the …
2023-04-22 Comments
Performance and Time Complexity For any algorithm based on comparison, its worst-case time cannot be lower than O(log2n), so binary search is the optimal algorithm in the worst case. Found Not found Best …
2023-04-21 Comments
编辑器中若有下面文本 if zro x=sdff; ifdef ddd ssdddififsss sdfsddif0 sssif1sdffif2 if87ififif8 sssif*dddd s2(if)(def)(if)(def) 查找 (if)(def)(if)(def) 的方法是: 在查找对话框中输入 \((if)(def)\)+ 就可以找到最下面那行 …
2018-10-26 Comments
Today I found that the color dodge algorithm in Photoshop can be simplified: //let b = base color, c = mix color, then b + (b * c) / (1 - c) = b / (1 - c); This clearly tells us how the final color va …
2017-05-10 Comments
Suppose we have a Line: P = P1 + tL and a plane: N • (P - P2) = 0 We can substitute P into the plane equation: N • (P1 + tL - P2) = 0 Solve for t: t = (N • (P2 - P1)) / (N • L) The point of intersection is: P = P1 + ((N • (P2 - …
2017-02-13 Comments
One dimension: \[ G(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi \sigma^2}} e^{-\frac{x^2}{2\sigma^2}} \] Two dimensions: \[ G(x, y) = \frac{1}{2\pi \sigma^2} e^{-\frac{x^2 + y^2}{2\sigma^2}} \] This is because: \[ I(t)  = \int_{-t}^{t} e^{-x^2}dx …
2016-10-10 Comments
When skinning with CAT bones, export it to FBX, and reimport to 3ds Max, the animation appears to be broken. The reason for this bug is a new feature TMCache in 3ds Max 2017 is in conflict with CAT rig controllers.   This b …
2016-08-16 2 comments
In Clifford algebra all units forms a group, so we can construct a unit dual-quaternion from two quaternions q and t where q is a unit rotation quaternion and t is a pure quaternion representing the translation: \[ d = (1 + \fra …
2016-07-09 5 comments
We can compute a rotation matrix \( R \in SO(3) \) from an angle \(\theta\) and axis \(l\) (unit vector) \[ R = e^{\theta C} = I + \sin(\theta)C + (1-\cos \theta)C^2 \] where \(C\) is the antisymmetric matrix: \[ C = \begin{bmat …
2016-07-08 Comments
When you use 3ds Max to create models with animations, and you need a rapid workflow to load them in WebGL with Three.js, I recommend the following steps: 1. Export Models from 3ds Max By using the Json Exporter or GLTF Exporter …
A Cardinal spline( sometimes called Canonical spline )consists of a sequence of curves. Consider a single Cardinal segment: \[ F(u) = C_0 + uC_1 + u^2C_2 + u^3C_3 \] Suppose it starts at \(F(0) = P_i\) and ends at \(F(1)=P_{i+1} …
2016-06-22 Comments
Sometimes we need only a subset of the vertices in a mesh to be animated without a full skeleton, such as a set of mouth shapes or face vertices for facial animation. A easy way to do this is using Morph Target Animation. In thi …
ver 1.1 Example of the Json 3D Format {   "animation":   {     "keyframeAnimations":     [       {         "name": "Anims_1",         "timeline": "seconds",         "fps": 30,         "animNodes":         [         …
2016-04-10 Comments