When you use 3ds Max to create models with animations, and you need a rapid workflow to load them in WebGL with Three.js, I recommend the following steps: 1. Export Models from 3ds Max By using the JD Exporter you would be able …
ver 1.1 Example of the Json 3D Format {   "animation":   {     "keyframeAnimations":     [       {         "name": "Anims_1",         "timeline": "seconds",         "fps": 30,         "animNodes":         [         …
2016-04-10 Comments
Skinned Mesh or SubMesh Format of the Json 3D Format    ver 1.1 Example: {       "model":   {     "version": "1.0",          "meshes":     [       {                    "name": "subMesh1",                  "type": "tria …
2016-03-21 Comments